BobMoCo Middle-earth Glossary

Principal Hobbits in The Lord of The Rings

Listed by Last Name where given
Bilbo Baggins   Hobbit of Bag End, Hobbiton. Finder of The Ring (The Hobbit). Son of Bungo & Belladonna (née Took)
Frodo Baggins   Son of Drogo. Nephew of Bilbo Baggins. The Ring Bearer. One of the Company of The Ring
Fredegar Bolger Fatty Caretaker of Frodo's home, Crickhollow. Led a rebel Hobbit band
Meriadoc Brandybuck Merry Son of Saradoc. Friend of Frodo. One of the Company of The Ring. Swordswain of Rohan
Rosie Cotton   Daughter of Farmer Cotton. Sam's girlfriend, later wife
Tom Cotton Farmer Cotton Father of Rosie Cotton
Deagol   A Stoor, living East of the Misty Mountains. Killed by Smeagol when he happened upon The One Ring in the river
Samwise Gamgee Sam Son of Ham. Frodo's gardener, servant and friend. One of the Company of The Ring
Gollum Smeagol The corrupted keeper of the One Ring until Bilbo found it (or it found Bilbo). The final destroyer of The Ring
Farmer Maggott   Farmer near the old road south from The Shire. His fields yield excellent mushrooms
Nob   Barman, The Prancing Pony, Bree
Lobelia Sackville-Baggins   Wife of Otho; mother of Lotho. Owner of Bag End on Frodo's departure. Gave it back on his return
Lotho Sackville-Baggins Pimple Son of Otho & Lobelia Sackville-Baggins. Murdered by Grima
Ted Sandyman   The miller, The Shire
Smeagol Gollum A Stoor, living East of the Misty Mountains. Killed his friend Deagol when he happened upon The One Ring in the river near the Gladden Fields. The first Hobbit Ring-keeper, who took his 'Precious' into hiding deep under the Misty Mountains & turned into Gollum
Peregrine Took Pippin Son of Paladin. Friend of Frodo. One of the Company of The Ring. Knight of Gondor
Will Whitfoot   Mayor of The Shire
As full details of Hobbit families & the History of The Shire is a topic in its own right,
and not essential to the War of The Ring, they have been omitted here.
(See LoTR Appendix C for Hobbit family trees)

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